Eelam songs 2010
Eelam songs 2010

eelam songs 2010

Debilitating events could leave either more frail or more robust survivors, depending on the extent of scarring and mortality selection. Starvation and the diseases and stresses of imprisonment could impact the POWs immensely. Prisoner of war (POW) captivity can involve the most extreme trauma perpetrated by humans ( Neria et al., 1998 Hourani & Hilton, 2002).Throughout human history, those captured in war have presented their captors with the basic choice between immediate execution, immediate release, or continuing custody – holding them in custody pending their release or other disposition (Hickman, 2008).

eelam songs 2010

To become a POW in a war is a horrendous experience. They have rigorous impairments in emotional social and physical functioning. Although the POWs found their freedom most of them live with psychological scars. The remaining prisoners of war (POWs) were freed after the interventions by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and returned them to the Sri Lankan Government. Nonetheless a very small number of POWs managed to escape from captivity. Most of the captees were executed by the LTTE. During the armed conflict the LTTE (the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) captured a considerable number of servicemen from the Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Navy and the Sri Lanka Police Service.

eelam songs 2010

The Eelam War in Sri Lanka has caused numerous physical and mental health ailments among the survivors.

Eelam songs 2010